Our Exclusive Seller's Guarantee

seller's guaranteeAs your seller's representative, the EdmontonRealEstate.ca Team asserts your rights to:

A Competitive and Fair Asking Price

We'll help you determine the right selling price for your property by providing you with a market evaluation that's both detailed and well-researched

An Active Marketing Strategy

We'll develop a proper marketing strategy that's unique to your property, because no two marketing plans are exactly the same. We've got the resources to market your property to achieve the desired results and to make sure that you get the most return for your investment in the least amount of time

Up-to-Date Information on Your Property

We'll keep you updated on the marketing of your property, telling you exactly how it's being marketed and keeping you informed about showings in your home

A Dedicated Representative

We're here to make sure that we earn your trust, loyalty, and long-term patronage. It's in our best interest to keep your best interests our top priority, and we're dedicated to doing just that

Guidance on Negotiating Sales

We'll sit with you to personally review all your offers from potential buyers and highlight the pros and cons of each offer, and give you our expert opinion when weighing them out

Post-sale Services

We're committed to being there for you through each stage of the selling process, and this includes everything before and after the sale, like sale closing procedures. We'll be available for consultation and services, and will only be a phone call away from your future real estate needs

Feel free to contact us online or call us at 780-800-9644 with any questions you may have about selling your Edmonton home.